Seed Drills

Seed Drills

Seed Drills

Seed Drills

Seed Drills

Сеялка прицепная-БМ




Technical Specifications* Unit BM 12 BM 14 BM 16 BM 18 BM 20
Number of Disc pcs 12 14 16 18 20
Total Width (W) mm 2470 2754 3038 3322 3606 8'1" 9' 9'12" 10'11" 11'10"
Total Length (L) mm 2920 2920 2930 2930 2930 9'7" 9'7" 9'8" 9'8" 9'8"
Total Height (H) mm 1430 1430 1430 1430 1430 4'8" 4'8" 4'8" 4'8" 4'8"
Working Depth (Max.) mm 0-100 0-100 0-100 0-100 0-100 0"-4" 0"-4" 0"-4" 0"-4" 0"-4"
Working Width (L1) mm 1704 1988 2272 2556 2840 5'7" 6'6" 7'5" 8'5" 9'4"
Length of Hopper (L2) mm 1870 2154 2438 2722 3006 6'2" 7' 7'12" 8'12" 9'10"
Space Between of Disc mm 142 142 142 142 142 6" 6" 6" 6" 6"
Space Between of Wheels mm 2302 2586 2870 3154 3438 7'7" 8'6" 9'5" 10'4" 11'3"
Fertilizer Hopper Volume dm³ 199 229 259 289 320
Seed Hopper Volume dm³ 248 329 372 415 460
Fertilizer Hopper Capacity kg 180 200 230 250 280
Ibs 396 440 507 551 617
Seed Hopper Capacity (wheat) kg 210 235 270 230 260
Ibs 462 518 595 507 573
Seed Hopper Capacity (barley) kg 166 182 210 230 260
Ibs 365 407 462 507 573
Seed Hopper Capacity (oats) kg 120 140 160 180 200
Ibs 264 308 352 396 440
Seed Hopper Capacity (lentil) kg 240 270 300 336 377
Ibs 529 595 661 740 831
Required Power hp 40-45 45-50 60-65 65-70 75-80
Weight kg 700 790 900 970 1020
Ibs 1543 1741 1984 2138 2248


Technical Specifications* Unit BM 22 BM 24 BM 26 BM 28 BM 38
Number of Disc pcs 22 24 26 28 38
Total Width (W) mm 3890 4174 4458 4706 5400 12'9" 13'8" 14'8" 15'5" 17'9"
Total Length (L) mm 2940 2940 2940 2940 3400 9'8" 9'8" 9'8" 9'8" 11'2"
Total Height (H) mm 1430 1430 1430 1430 1430 4'8" 4'8" 4'8" 4'8" 4'8"
Transport Pozition Length mm         7650         25'1"
Transport Pozition Width mm         2270         7'5"
Working Depth (Max.) mm 0-100 0-100 0-100 0-100 0-100 0"-4" 0"-4" 0"-4" 0"-4" 0"-4"
Working Width (L1) mm 3124 3408 3690 3976(142) 5450 10'3" 11'2" 12'1" 13'(6") 17'11"
Length of Hopper (L2) mm 3290 3574 3840 4128 5560 10'10" 11'9" 12'7" 13'7" 18'3"
Space Between of Disc mm 142 142 125-142 125-142 125-142 6" 6" 5"-6" 5"-6" 5"-6"
Space Between of Wheels mm 3722 4006 4290 4574 5850 12'2" 13'2" 14'1" 15' 19'2"
Fertilizer Hopper Volume dm³ 350 380 410 440 590
Seed Hopper Volume dm³ 503 546 589 626 776
Fertilizer Hopper Capacity kg 310 340 370 400 550
Ibs 683 749 815 881 1212
Seed Hopper Capacity (wheat) kg 365 395 444 455 560
Ibs 804 870 978 1003 1234
Seed Hopper Capacity (barley) kg 285 310 340 360 446
Ibs 628 683 749 793 983
Seed Hopper Capacity (oats) kg 220 240 260 280 347
Ibs 485 529 573 617 765
Seed Hopper Capacity (lentil) kg 420 455 490 525 650
Ibs 925 1003 1080 1157 1433
Required Power hp 85-90 90-95 82-100 82-100 120-140
Weight kg 1120 1200 1240 1380 2415
Ibs 2469 2645 2733 3042 5324


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